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Archive for May, 2011

Fw: Netball Coaching For All Ages


Netball Coaching Drills

Although non attendance is to be discouraged amongst youth, if some cannot attend for any reason some would argue that you could put up a fight with a minimum of five players. There are seven different positions in this game. Netball is a game where players are restricted to their own sectors of the court and teaching this skill is an important part of netball coaching. The seven players play in five separate zones which exist on a netball court. Three of the different positions are allowed in three areas on the court whilst the remaining four players are only permitted in two different zones on the court.

The game starts from the centre of the court The area referred to on half way and at the centre of the court is known as zone three. Only those in the GA, WA, C, WD and GD positions can play in this area on the court and an imperative part of netball coaching is to make sure this is drummed into players at an early age. In order to start and re start a game of netball the person playing centre will pass the ball to one of their team mates from this section of the court. Probably the most basic facet of the game is that as a team passes the ball from hand to hand you must try to prevent them getting the ball to the players in the two goal scoring positions.

This is another rule that makes netball different from sports like basketball. Two and only two players, the GS and the GA can shoot for goal in netball which can be contrasted with basketball where any of the five players may shoot for goal. Of all the positions in netball, only those two, the goal attack and the goal shoot may shoot for goal.

 When a shot on goal is being taken, no player may touch whichever of the GS or GA is taking the shot and it is a basic premise of netball coaching to teach how to disrupt the shooter legally. Although still a very physical game, all contact is forbidden in the game of netball which is a totally non contact sport. Each game has two umpires who are on the look out for contact. A penalty will be awarded for any transgression of this rule. Consisting of four fifteen minute quarters, netball is not a game for the unfit or those who are in any way out of condition. The pace is fast and often furious.


Netball Coaching For All Ages

If you are a netball devotee you will realize that it is not exactly a global sport. The popularity of netball in a select group of countries is however undoubted. If you have a desire to learn more about netball and you live in a area where it is widely played you should have no trouble finding netball coaching. A netball team consists of seven players. The wider playing squad will be made up of twelve players with seven on the court at any one time.