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Netball Coaching

Netball is played in but a few countries across the world. In many of those areas where it is played, netball is the major sport for women. If you have a desire to learn more about netball and live in a centre where it is widely played you should have no trouble finding netball coaching. There are usually seven players on a netball team. A netball team will usually consist of up to twelve players with substitutes able to be inserted into the game from the bench at appropriate times.

Although non attendance is to be discouraged amongst youth, if some cannot attend netball training for any reason you could put up a fight with a minimum of five players. There are seven different positions in this game. When involved in netball coaching you will recognise that what makes netball different to sports such as basketball is that players can only go to distinct parts of the court. The netball court is made up of five discrete areas. Positions are confused further by players in four of the positions only being allowed in two different parts of the court while the remaining three may go onto three different sectors.

The game begins from the centre of the court The area referred to on half way and at the centre of the court is known as zone three. If you play in the GA, WA, C, WD and GD positions then you are permitted into this sector of the court but otherwise, you are not. Netball training  is all about ensuring that players learn this and other fundamentals at an early age. To begin a game or after a goal is scored by the other team, the center passes out to one of their team mates from this sector of the court. The very basic premise of netball is that as the other team passes the ball from hand to hand you strive to stop them from getting the ball to their two scoring players.

This is another rule that makes netball different from sports like basketball. While any of the five players on the basketball team are free to take a shot, only two players in netball are allowed to shoot. Goal attack and goal shoot are the only two playing positions which may score goals in netball. When one of these two positions takes a shot, no player from the other team is allowed to touch them. A fundamental of netball coaching is teaching players to play the ball and not the person. A fundamental rule of netball is that no contact is allowed at all. Netball is a totally non contact sport but nevertheless, a very physical one. Two umpires preside over a game of netball and one of the primary things they are on the lookout for is contact which will result in an automatic penalty to the opposition team. Consisting of four fifteen minute quarters, netball is not a game for the unfit or those out of condition. The pace is fast and often furious.

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