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Archive for September, 2011

Netball Coaching

Netball is by no means a global sport, being played in a small number of select countries. In many of those areas where it is played, netball is the major sport for women. In those centres where the game is played widely it is simple enough to find netball coaching clinics for all ages. A netball team is made up of of seven players. Netball is a fast sport and for that reason, although only seven will be on the court at one time, a team ordinarily consists of twelve players with five in reserve and able to be inserted into the game.

Some would maintain that a team could compete with a minimum of five players if for any reason some were not able to attend. There are seven different positions on the court and each calls for its own skill set. A distinguishing ingredient about netball when involved in netball coaching is the fact that players are restricted to set parts of the court. The seven players play in five separate areas which exist on a netball court. Three of the different positions are permitted in three regions on the court whilst the remaining four players are only permitted in two different regions on the court.

A game of netball begins from the center of the court. The middle is the number 3 zone on the court. Players in the positions of GA, WA, C, WD and GD are the only ones permitted in this part of the netball court. Part of netball coaching is ensuring players learn this early. What makes this region important is that the game begins initially and after each goal with a pass from the person playing centre to a team mate. As the team with the ball is passing it, members of the other team attempt to prevent their opponents from getting the ball to one of their two scoring players.

In this regard netball is very different from basketball as a player may not travel with the ball in hand or dribble the ball. All of the players on a basketball court can take a shot on goal whereas this rule, whereby only those in the GS and GA positions may shoot for goal, sets netball apart as a game. Goal attack and goal shoot are the only two playing positions which may score goals in netball. When a shot on goal is being taken other players in the opposition team may try to disrupt the ga or gs but must not come into contact with the shooter. Good netball coaching


will always include coaching this skill. As a general rule netball is a non contact sport and contact is totally forbidden. Any player who breaks this rule and comes into physical contact with an opponent will be penalised by one of the two umpires who control a game of netball. A high level of physical fitness and conditioning is imperative to survive the rigours of the four 15 minute quarters that a game of netball consists of.